Re: lsof on Solaris 2.4 (was snooper watchers )

Dave Goldberg (
Thu, 23 Feb 1995 08:53:29 -0500

> The problem I'm also running into is that lsof does not appear to
> work under 2.4, as some internal file structures have changed.
> Someone has suggested doing some filtering on lsof output, as a way
> of keeping an eye out.

I had to recompile lsof on my 2.4 machine to get it to work, but now
that I have done so it appears to be working just fine.  The 2.3
binary did not work as you noted.  If it matters, I used the Sunpro
compiler rather than gcc because our version of gcc was built on 2.3
and I didn't have time to rebuild it for 2.4.  It choked on one of the
lsof header files, presumably because the 2.4 headers need to be

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation MS B020 202 Burlington Rd. Bedford, MA 01730
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